Suma y sigue: Luana Dametto también abandonó Nervosa

Las malas noticias para los y las fanáticas de Nervosa parecen no acabar y es que recién la baterista de la banda, Luana Dametto, acaba de confirmar su salida de la agrupación de Thrash.

Durante este sábado dos han sido las integrantes en abandonar el trío musical, quedando como única integrante y fundadora de la banda Prika Amaral

Dametto explicó a través de sus redes sociales que la salida se debe a motivos personales y que ella continuará ligada a sus otros proyectos musicales, además de los próximos que vendrán. Cabe destacar que ella también toca batería en la banda Apophizys.

Tanto Dammeto como Fernanda Lira dejan la agrupación en el mismo día, ambas aludiendo a motivos personales que no revelaron ni revelarán. Si bien en esta salida amas han dado la misma respuesta, se desconoce si fue una decisión tomada por ambas en conjunto y mucho menos se sabe del futuro de la banda de Prika Amaral.

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So, I'm no longer a part of Nervosa. First of all, I would like to say that I'm extremely glad for everything I got to experience with this band, for the amazing places I've seen on tours, for everything I learned in the past years, for the opportunities that it gave me, but mainly, I'm extremely thankful for all YOUR support since I joined this band. I got to know many of you in person around the world, and there is nothing more precious to me than your support, I can't put into words how glad I am. Overall, it's time for me to move on. I believe that for everything we (people) work with, we need to put our hearts into it and do our best, and when the excitement is not the same anymore, for whatever reason it may be, I don't think it would be honest to keep doing it anymore, it wouldn't be honest with me, and neither with you, that has been following my trajectory. It's not like I just decided that I wouldn't like to be part of it anymore, of course I have personal reasons and this is a tough decision, but these reasons will remain personal. I know many many of you are gonna be sad, but overall and with time, I hope you understand it. I wanna make clear that I will absolutely not quit playing or anything like that, I've been playing for over 10 years now and it's not in my life plans to stop, but I will move on, start a new project where I can put my heart, soul and ideals into it. I also wanna make clear that my new projects (the ones I started and the ones I will start) didn't affect in this decision or in the way I have been feeling about it. Everything is gonna be fine, every one of us will follow a different path that can make us happier. I wish the best luck for Nervosa, and I will always be glad for the good moments we had, all I've learned and how much it was part of my history. That's all for now. ❤ Desculpem a falta de português aqui, o Instagram infelizmente não permite mais texto, mas postei em português no facebook também.
Una publicación compartida por Luana Dametto (@wardrvnn) el

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